Friday, October 27, 2006

Myths of the Sun and the Moon

1/ Mythology of the Sun
In Greek mythology, Apollo - son of Zeus - is the god of the Sun. He is also believed as the god of logic, music and even healing. The most famous temple of Apollo is the temple of Apollo at Delphi.

The Temple of Apollo at Delphi

With Japanese people, the Sun is represented by a woman - the goddess Amaterasu. There is a story that Amaterasu used to hide in a cave of heaven when she was treated badly by her brother. This made the world be covered in darkness. In order to made Amaterasu come out of the cave, other gods organized a party near the cave. Finally, Amaterasu came out of the cave and the light covered the world.

2/ Mythology of the Moon
Ancient Chinese people believed that there were 12 different moons and each moon represented for one month of a year. The mother of these moons is Heng-o. At the beginning of each month, Heng-o washed her children in a lake at the western side of the world. The each moon would travel in 1 month until it reached the eastern side of the word.

In Greek mythology, Artemis - Apollo's twin sister - was the goddess of the moon. She was also the goddess of the hunt. According to Greek legend, she had fierce temper. She and Apollo used to killed most of the children of Niobe, who had insulted her mother Leto.


My first web layout

Welcome to my first post of semester 3. This is the webpage which I designed in the semester break. Actually, I designed it for my father - a highschool mathematics teacher. He has some maths classes at home; so he wants his students can download exercies and lectures from the website (I think another reason is because he didn't want me to play all the semester break :D).

His website is at You can take a look at it to see the full website.
Anyway, it just a small website with 6 html files to introduce about my father, some maths exercises to download and some family photos. I used a lot of blue lines and overlapped objects on the white background to create a modern style. The small number of colors and typography also helping this webpage to looks clean and bright.

As I don't like complex tables which often make me mess up, I decided to design the website in Illustrator (including the heading) and then split it up with the Photoshop slice tool. The only problem of that is there are many images are created. As each page of the website was divided into 19 parts averagely, there were total nearly 120 images just for the background (there were 30-40 more for family pictures). I don't know how to solve this problem and it really takes a lot of time for uploading using HTTP protocol (I can only upload 12 files at one time).