Sunday, September 17, 2006

No Thing Is Impossible

This pic names "No Thing Is Impossible". It's a work of Anjo Lafin. He combines a lot of objects including vector objects, bitmap pictures and even his own photograph in this artwork. Through the complicated combination, the artist tries to say that there is no limitation for digital artworks; and whatever you can imagine, you can express.


Celia Duncan's Artworks

More Attitude

Winter Walk

These are pictures of Celia Duncan. In her websites, these pictures have price from $5 to $200. Her works were inspired mainly from Cornwall ( a small city in Great Britain) and she uses a unique style to depict houses, boats and people of this city. Celia's pictures also use a lot of primary colours and bold lines which make the pictures look bright and dynamic.


Sunday, September 10, 2006

Green Eyes

This picture is created by a person who has nickname bolenat in the DeviantArt forum. The main colours of this picture is blue and black, so it makes the 2 green circles which the artist calls eyes pop out the picture. When viewers look at this picture, they can interpret it in many ways such as it looks like a face, a brain or an electric storm.


Dance or Stand

This is the picture of kuroneko. It looks really simple with only lines and text; but actually, the artist has processed it from the real photographs. I really like this picture because it does not focus too much on the positive space and we can see the balanced composition between positive and negative space.


Sunday, September 03, 2006

Digital Art

Digital art are the combine between ordinary photographs and digital painting and processing. In the, they call it photographic manipulation. I really like these picture because not only they are beautiful but they also help to express the artist's imagination and ideas which are cannot be present by words.

Apocalypse by Daniel Sinoca

Unbroken Chain by Stephen Trenkamp
Water Sculpture by Nanda
Inside out



Cubism was an early 20th century art movement which was begun in
European painting and sculpture. Pablo Picasso and Georges Braque are
main innovators of it. Although this movement appeared in many fields
such as music, it is mainly known as the style of paintings.

In this kind of artwork, objects are broken and re-assembled in an
abstracted form - The artist depicts the object from a multitude of
viewpoints instead of the ordinary one viewpoint.

So, these below pictures are the notable examples of Cubist artworks.

Ambroise Vollard by Pablo Picasso

Woman with guitar, Georges Braque
