Saturday, July 01, 2006

The current of time

This above image is the image of the pocket watch from BlackBoard after applying the glowing edges effect of Photoshop.

And this is the original picture from BlackBoard.

As you can see, just one special effect changed totally the meaning of the image. At the orginal one, you can see the metal pocket watch with the shining golden colour and all of its details is emerged from the background. You can see a lot of pictures like it in advertisments, newspaper when they talk about the evidence of the modernity. In most of cases, when talking about the modern age, people always show spacecrafts, skyscrapers and modern machines because they believe that technology is equal to modernity. And this image also support to the theory that the better the technology is, the better our world will become.

However, after applying the effect, this image was changed dramatically. About the appearance, the black colour replaced the golden one. The hour hand, the minute hand and all of clock's details became hard to recognize. Moreover, the meaning of this image is nearly inverted. This image doesn't equalize technology with modernity anymore. Instead of that, the mess of shape and Roman numbers shining on the black background make me think that technology also creates some problems. The round shape of the clock refers to our world which is ruined by technology. This image also predict the bad future when technology make the world become chaotic place.


Alan Vo said...

Hey, I like this image ^^
I think that you didnt change too many details but it's cool enough to create an image that suits the requirements of this exercise.
I like the way you combine the technique as well as special effects with your knowledge about the world around.. :)
Good work! Keep it up, Phong ;)

thanhhua said...

Hey Bookworm ( allow me to call you so cuz it's true...hehe), my impression of that pic is perhaps totally opposite to yours. The messy and chaotic stuff in the middle of the pic is so beautiful, it looks like a jewel or marble or whatever u may call. It's shining and multi-colors. I love that. It also reminds me of the "cave, or tunnel" (it's the the way of going to future or returning to the past) that Doraemon and Nobita travel in their "time machine". If you're a fan of Doraemon, you'll know what I mean! ^_^

Melanie said...

yup, the messy place on the watch shows a clear view of a terrible world! However, if you make the background a bit blur or "not easy" to see, it might illustrate your idea better! Well done! ^.^

Dim Sum said...

Hmmm... quite interesting.... In the middle I see an a swarm of bateria and viruses.... in the process of multiplying and spreading. Nice.

It would be even more effective if the light blue background was removed and perhaps blurring the roman numerals a bit, so the focus would remain on the shapes.