Friday, July 07, 2006


Solar Eclipse

This picture is inspired from the sunflower picture in the abstract exercise. It applies the principle of dominance/subordination. You can see the black circle with yellow edges emerges from the white background and attracting readers' eyes. Through this picture, the fierce battle between light and darkness is demonstrated.

The two-faced man

This picture illustrates the principle of coherence. The meaning which I tried to put in this picture is that experiments and achievements/ trial and success are unseparatable.


The principle of rhythm is presented in this picture. I only explain a bit about the text below the 3 Xs. "KIS" is a term using commonly in software programming (it's actually an advice for coding style) and it means "Keep It Simple".


thanhhua said...

I like the final pic. It's clean and nice, everything looks sharp and crisp (ehh, u know what I mean?...) when first looked at it, I think of Tic-tac-toe ^.^

Alan Vo said...

I also like the last one.. very cute and interesting ^.^
I like the way you duplicate one image and put its duplications all together simply... however, you still create a good meaning for this pic
Good work, Phong!

Dim Sum said...

I love the first image and its play on light and dark. The second is also good, similar lighting and the hint of symmetry makes it cohesive and balanced.

The last one I'm not too crazy about. What does KISS mean?